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General Discussion => General Discussion & Gossip => Topic started by: MPritchard55 on 26 May 2023 04:39:53 PM

Title: Has anyone written a report to identify recipients of scheduled reports?
Post by: MPritchard55 on 26 May 2023 04:39:53 PM
We've created some tables from the Cognos 11 Audit package (c111_audit) and the content store (c111_content), but haven't cracked the nut on getting a report of all the people a report is scheduled to.  Anyone figured this out yet?  (No, I'm not going to buy a service or tool or engage anyone to figure it out.  Just trying to save a little time.)  Thanks.
Title: Re: Has anyone written a report to identify recipients of scheduled reports?
Post by: dougp on 26 May 2023 06:58:03 PM
In the content store database, look at CMOBJPROPS26.DELIVOPTIONS.  Good luck pulling that apart reliably.  You'll need to use a lot of SUBSTRING, CHARINDEX, and probably some XPATH.  And you'll probably encounter a lot of      Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.      along the way.  I just dug up an ancient script I had used at one time.  Apparently it is now broken by new data that hits edge cases I hadn't considered at the time.
Title: Re: Has anyone written a report to identify recipients of scheduled reports?
Post by: MPritchard55 on 30 May 2023 07:30:22 AM
Thank you.  I'll have a look there.  Do you mind sharing your broken script....just as a starting point?
Title: Re: Has anyone written a report to identify recipients of scheduled reports?
Post by: dougp on 30 May 2023 01:21:52 PM

Use it at your own risk.  It is really just for my reference.  There's a lot of outdated and broken garbage in there.  I don't maintain all of it anymore.  Lately I just update content and push when today's issue was painful enough to remember to save.
Title: Re: Has anyone written a report to identify recipients of scheduled reports?
Post by: MPritchard55 on 02 Jun 2023 01:31:31 PM
 :)  Thank you!  I appreciate it!!