Hi Guys,
I need your help to share your views/experience on Unix/Windows installation comparation.
At this moment we are debating whether we should go for Windows or Unix AIX.
Are there any function/features that only available on Windows which will make some of cognos user choose to Windows platform rather than AIX?
May be such as macro/vba etc? I am not developer so I do not know much about this function.
Appreciate of your thoughts. Thank You
Hi sismic,
We run Cognos 8.2 on Windows 2003 SP2. I have no experience on AIX, so I can only talk about Windows...
Cognos on Windows goes fine. It's stable, almost never crashes, easy to admin.
There are no functions that I know about that are different per OS.
Unix versus windows is usually an IT policy choice, and not a technical choice.
If you are into unix you know that the C8 prodcut can only authenticate against AD using an LDAP connector and the simplified AD connector is out of the question. For SSO C8 leverages the remote_user variable which works out of the box on windows and requires quite some work when trying to run this on apache.
All Cognos 8 needs is a host to run it's java servlets in. Wheather this is tomcat, (in the box) websphere, Oracle AS, JoBoss, whatever. Calculating a report is a seperate process called a bibus.exe which just simply uses the cpu power in the server. X86 wins over outdated unix processors when it comes to simple bare crunching and is much cheaper per Mhz.
If you need to think between the choice, do yourself a favor and go for windows. Less hastle.