Hi All,
I a generating a cross tab report in which the rows have 'TERRITORY'(data item) and the column has 'group_1'(as data item which has 2 values like A and B).Now i need to caluclate the market share of A (like (A/(A+B))).I am trying to create the query calculation is it correct,any suggestions and how to do it
instead of group_1, use two separate calculated items:
one when group_1 = A and another when group_1 = B
that way, it'll be easier to calculate what you want.
one /(one + another)...
Quote from: Suraj Neupane on 26 Feb 2008 02:54:34 PM
instead of group_1, use two separate calculated items:
one when group_1 = A and another when group_1 = B
that way, it'll be easier to calculate what you want.
one /(one + another)...
Thank you,Can you explain it in steps ,becoz it's not coming(even my cross tab corner cell is also a query calculation) is that the reason
you don't have to have a calculated measure if you are doing it in the suggested data items. Just include the calculation in the suggested two data items.
for measure, you can use default measure from table.