As a Dashboards author, I sometimes find that I want to Join data in a way that is not present in the data model.
Is there any hope that (with v11.2+) I can inflict something like a Join upon my Dashboard?
If it's possible to do, I don't have any expectations that it will be as powerful nor versatile as the Reports' Join functions.
Quote from: FerdH4 on 10 Feb 2023 09:07:58 AM
As a Dashboards author, I sometimes find that I want to Join data in a way that is not present in the data model.
Is there any hope that (with v11.2+) I can inflict something like a Join upon my Dashboard?
If it's possible to do, I don't have any expectations that it will be as powerful nor versatile as the Reports' Join functions.
I don't work for IBM and I can't speak on their behalf, but my feeling is this isn't something they would be keen to bring in. You can use a data module to join data - including bringing in other data modules, so I think they would argue this is the way to do it.