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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Data Modules => Topic started by: Filomena.Mignelli on 03 Feb 2023 05:57:45 AM

Title: Data module from a Data Set - Crosstab Summary renders a Query Server error
Post by: Filomena.Mignelli on 03 Feb 2023 05:57:45 AM
Hello to all,

I created a Data Module from a Data Set to speed up my report (it contains some flat files and a module) like a charm and fast.  My dilemma is when using the Crosstab and Summary,  I get a Query Server internal error has occurred, please see log. 

I reached out to my iT guy and this was what he sees:
CM-REQ-4099 The syntax of the search path is incorrect. You must add the missing at sign (@) character before the attribute "".

The search path "CAMID(":")/dataSource[@name='2666389421_dummy_/content/folder[@name='PMMS Development']/folder[@name='SME and CI Service - Support Reports']/folder[@name='17E0 - Material Support Systems']/module[@name='PUK and Critical Parts with PMMS Data - DM for Reports']'] | personalDataSourceSignon('2666389421_dummy_/content/folder[@name='PMMS Development']/folder[@name='SME and CI Service - Support Reports']/folder[@name='17E0 - Material Support Systems']/module[@name='PUK and Critical Parts with PMMS Data - DM for Reports']') | CAMID(":")/rolapDataSource[@name='2666389421_dummy_/content/folder[@name='PMMS Development']/folder[@name='SME and CI Service - Support Reports']/folder[@name='17E0 - Material Support Systems']/module[@name='PUK and Critical Parts with PMMS Data - DM for Reports']' and permission('read')] | CAMID(":")/rolapVirtualDataSource[@name='2666389421_dummy_/content/folder[@name='PMMS Development']/folder[@name='SME and CI Service - Support Reports']/folder[@name='17E0 - Material Support Systems']/module[@name='PUK and Critical Parts with PMMS Data - DM for Reports']' and permission('read')]" is invalid. An object may contain invalid syntax, or an unsupported character, or the user account in the namespace may not have sufficient privileges. Check the object to ensure that the target destination location does not contain special characters.

The same Data Module "without" a Data problem using Crosstabs with Summary.

Any clues as to what I am missing?