problem with measures in cube
I've a column sales amount, when I right click on sales amount and checking for scope
for Dimensions most of the columns it is showing yellow colour, for some columns it is in green colour
why it is showing like that ?
I believe there is a decent blurb in the help. Search on "Scope" and in the article I have seen many times, each color is described.
From memory...
The color Green, I believe, is indicating you do not have direct scope relationship from those dimensions to the selected measure, so it is allocating the measure across the dimension. NOT Desireable in most cases. ???
Yellow indicates direct scope :)
Light yellow (usually higher levels in the hierarchies) indicates relationship based scope :)
Red indicates no scope. :(
The scopes noramlly indicates the relationship of the fact table with the Other dimansional tables.
U chk out the joins of ur Tables in Transformer!!
Quote from: johny.cbi on 26 Feb 2008 08:45:39 AM
problem with measures in cube
I've a column sales amount, when I right click on sales amount and checking for scope
for Dimensions most of the columns it is showing yellow colour, for some columns it is in green colour
why it is showing like that ?
Green color means there is no relation between dimension and fact. Transformer is not using unique columns. You need check last level of each dimension map should be present in both dimension and fact.
let me know you feedback