There is a prompt for a list of part numbers.
If I enter them one by one in the prompt, it works fine. If I hard code it in the Qry, it works fine.
If I paste a list of parts from an excel file, it fails with this message. What am I doing wrong?
Error Message:
RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-126'. UDA-SQL-0460 A general exception has occurred during local processing. UDA-EE-0094 The operation "add" is invalid for the following combination of data types: "varchar" and "integer"
Thanks in advance.
What are the data types for the objects in question? Is the error message correct? That would be the first place I'd start and, presumably, that's where you started. What did you observe?
paste where?
Are you using the Filter Conditions dialog and clicking "manually input items"? What do you have selected in the list that begins with "Use Comma as keyword delimiter"?
Are you using a textbox prompt with Multi-select = Yes and Multi-line = Yes?