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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: mmestan on 10 Oct 2022 07:31:43 AM

Title: Conflict between two JS in CA report
Post by: mmestan on 10 Oct 2022 07:31:43 AM
Hi guys, I would like to ask someone for help. I'm facing issue in CA 11 report where I'm using many tables, graphs and other objedcts where some of them are fill in by using JS and then those values are used by another filters.
I'm not familiar with JS and all JS were created by my previous coleagues. In general all as working fine but I have 2 JS where 1 of them is drawing value from tree promt and fill in to hiden text prompt (this value I'm using to filter in dataset and is use to filtering and info if another table can be showed as well). Second JS is working bit similiar but is not drawing data from tree promt but from dataset object.
If I'm using object  where is only first JS all is working fine, but if I will use object where is second JS, this script will clear value from my hidden text prompt which result that object which related to value in this prompt will not be shown.
Could you help me how to let data in both hidden text prompts ?   
Clearing values happens only for the object which is filled via JS 'tree' otherwise it doesn't happen
Both JS are attach.

BTW: I checked configuration of both custom control and they should control correct objects.

here is link with JS code (
Title: Re: Conflict between two JS in CA report
Post by: mmestan on 10 Oct 2022 07:39:38 AM
Unfortunately, I'm not able to attach mentioned scripts. Can anyone help me how to upload files ?
Title: Re: Conflict between two JS in CA report
Post by: MFGF on 11 Oct 2022 07:06:11 AM
Quote from: mmestan on 10 Oct 2022 07:39:38 AM
Unfortunately, I'm not able to attach mentioned scripts. Can anyone help me how to upload files ?


Unfortunately the site doesn't allow attachments, and also often blocks code being uploaded. You could maybe try uploading your code to a cloud drive and posting links to it there? Not sure if that would work for you?


Title: Re: Conflict between two JS in CA report
Post by: mmestan on 12 Oct 2022 03:53:51 AM
thanks MFGF, I added link
Title: Re: Conflict between two JS in CA report
Post by: mmestan on 26 Oct 2022 03:23:33 AM
Solved. Main issue was, that tree js b each start of JS cleared value in text promtp ... solution is to move part witch cleatr data into onclick function