WE are generating reports to show top 5 ranks (range can be changed via a filter) for total report value within a given time period and that is working correctly. Now what we are trying to accomplish is display the top 5 but by employees based on total report values for a certain time period. See below examples
Rank EmployeeID Total Report Value
1 123 150
2 345 125
3 678 100
4 345 50
5 123 5
Rank formula is set as rank(total([Expense].[Report Header Information].[Total Report Value]) for report prefilter)
Now what we are trying to have displayed is the top ranking but by employee so employee ID 345 would be #1 ranking because of the 125 + 50 report values totally more that employee ID 123
Rank EmployeeID Total Report Value
1 345 175
2 123 155
3 678 100
How would i adjust the ranking filter to accomplish this.
Thank you