Does anybody here have any information on when the Long Term Support (LTS) release for Cognos Analytics 11.2 will be available. Historically, IBM liked to release these in October, right around their big conference, but the last 2 years have been crazy, so...
Quote from: dougp on 09 Sep 2022 09:57:47 AM
Does anybody here have any information on when the Long Term Support (LTS) release for Cognos Analytics 11.2 will be available. Historically, IBM liked to release these in October, right around their big conference, but the last 2 years have been crazy, so...
I heard mention of the LTS build being the 11.2.4 release, slated for December of this year. Obviously I can't speak on behalf of IBM, so treat with the usual dose of skepticism anyone would give to any of my answers :-)
Per this product lifecycle doc from IBM (, 11.2.x should be supported through May of 2025.