Hi all,
I have a Crosstab report migrated from 10 to 11.1.17 now gets this error. XQE-PLN-0003 INTERNAL ERROR. THE EXPRESSION HAS INVALID COMBINATION OF HIERARCHIES.
Works fine in 10! 11 has DQM. Any help diagnosing the problem?
The page query is a union, could that be it?
Almost nothing on-line about what to do about this issue.
Apart from the upgrade from 10 to 11.1.7 (the current LTSR), what over variables are in play and need to be controlled for? You say "11 has DQM". Does this mean that your report and its source objects were using CQM or did it use DQM in 10 as well? Is this report a list or a crosstab?
The report might have worked fine in 10 but did it produce the correct results?
Have you investigated what is triggering the error? Have you been able to identify what is believed to be invalid? What do you think is particular about this report which you believe is triggering the error? Is that error a correct statement?
I found some things. Can you tell us how each of these is not relevant to your situation please. It could help you troubleshoot.
Presumably this is not relevant because it mentions tm1. You don't mention tm1 so I'm assuming that is the case.
Ditto here.
Presumably because it says upgrade to 10.1.1
Presumably because it says upgrade to 11.1.2
Found issue. 11.1.17 assumed that two data items from the same dimension had a hierarchy relationship. They didn't. Fix was to delete the crosstab, re-do from scratch in 11.1.17 and then no relationship was seen. Basically migrating from 10x to 11x caused this to show up. Rewrite in 11x and it goes away.
Well, why won't two data items from the same dimension have a relationship?