I have a Dashboard with a Summary-visualation showing a succcationrate (%) and I want to let this visualation always only showing yesterdays result.
How can i accomplish this?
I am using Cognos version 11.1.7.
That depends on your data. More detail would be helpful.
If you need data that is associated with a specific date (yesterday) in your data, you have a few options:
If your data is updated daily and that column has no future dates, compare the date to the max date.
You can add a computed item that always returns yesterday's date, then add a computed item that returns the difference between your date and yesterday. Filter to that value = 0.
I'm sure there are other solutions, but without having more detail about your data...
Quote from: leigl on 22 Jul 2022 05:47:54 AM
I have a Dashboard with a Summary-visualation showing a succcationrate (%) and I want to let this visualation always only showing yesterdays result.
How can i accomplish this?
I am using Cognos version 11.1.7.
What exactly do you mean by 'yesterday's result' ? Data till yesterday or only yesterday's data?
Presuming former is the case, whatever Date field is present in your package which applies to the data in your Dashboard can be filtered by an expression like [Date] <= _add_days ( current_date, -1 ) . This can be a filter in the query