Hi all, I have a question regard on the duplicate name on my list. Can anyone please point me how to remove a duplicate name on my list?
PS not all name on my list are duplicate only couple of them are duplicate and cant find the reason why.
Thank in advance
The problem, as described, lacks sufficient information to provide much actionable recommendations.
You need to understand why the situation has happened and whether it is actually reflecting reality. Defining the problem as 'duplicate names' precludes the possibility that this could be exactly what you should expect to happen. There's a lot of ground covered by 'know your data'.
You need to consider things such as the following, mostly examining various possibilities as to why the situation has happened.
That the query is the source of the problem.
That how the model has been modelled is the source of the problem.
That the data has records with multiple values -- either representing multiple records for one entity (in your case presumably people ) or multiple entities with the same name. In this case you should expect duplicates.
One pattern which could be present is some type of SCD.
So basically in query i create a [Data Item] to count how many book made in 2020, it does count book made in 2020 but somehow its give me 2 different number and it separate the name of book to another row too. ex:
Book A ======== 5
Book A ======== 0
Book B ========
Book B ======== 1
hope this make sense thank you