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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: werdunloaded on 31 May 2022 08:21:33 PM

Title: Bursting Report Sending All Versions to All Recipients
Post by: werdunloaded on 31 May 2022 08:21:33 PM
Hi all,

I built a report with a Master Detail relationship so that we will generate an individualized version of the report for each recipient. That element works without a problem. When I go to Burst it, I set the appropriate group category, email query and email address data item. I set the master detail relationship for the burst (it uses the same primary key data item as the rest of the report). When I send the report, it generates all individualized reports into one pdf and sends each recipient receives that collection of reports (i.e., 10 people get all 10 individualized reports). What could cause this?
Title: Re: Bursting Report Sending All Versions to All Recipients
Post by: werdunloaded on 01 Jun 2022 05:31:47 AM
I found the solution, so I'll just leave this here for anyone else who runs across it.

The report has a Master Detail relationship with a Master query. When bursting, I was using a different query as the Burst Group (even though the Label and Group were correct).

To correct, make sure your Burst Group is referencing the same "Master" query as the report's Master-Detail relationship.