Hey Everyone,
I am recently unable to get a list of available drives to create a new contributor application. We are on 8.2 and are using SQL Server 2005. We have tried reinstalling the SQL Server Client Tools on our Planning machine and we have also given execute access to the two stored procedures xp_availablemedia and xp_subdirs. We have also given our cognos system account sysadmin access. Is there something that we are missing?
I had the same problem .
We tried all things with cognos support but unable to fix this .
Some how we cleared this problem . The problem in our case is that we had 2 job servers . we installed SQL client tools & utils on all the job servers , app servers . it cleared our problem
Try it and let us know
we solved something similar while testing upgrade to 8.3. There is a post in knowledgebase to this:
In our case the installation of full SQL Client helped
Does anyone know the URL to download the full SQL client?
:( unfortunately my work fire wall is stopping this site. Is there any microsoft URL for the file. I know I can download later, just seeing If I can do now..
I have swapped between threads. This is posted in both threads to close this out..
Here is the conclusion to my problem. This fixed my problem, hopefully the below can help someone else.
Contributor on one server, SQL on another server. Unable to get list of drives when creating PAD on Contributor server.
As mentioned in a Cognos document the SQL server distributed (SQLDMO) components are utilised by 8.1. SQLDMO is a SQL 2000 technology. Microsoft have replaced SQLDMO with SQLSMO in 2005.
The native client 2005 does not include SQLDMO. Therefore installing native client 2005 on your contributor server does not fix the problem. I personally found that Express did not include SQLDMO, although other posts seem to suggest is does. Note, timing of posts in relation to software MS makes available for download, i.e. versions....
I downloaded the Backwards compatability components and installed them. This installed SQLDMO. It fixed my problem.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components
The SQL Server Backward Compatibility package includes the latest versions of Data Transformation Services 2000 runtime (DTS), SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO), Decision Support Objects (DSO), and SQL Virtual Device Interface (SQLVDI). These versions have been updated for compatibility with SQL Server 2005 and include all fixes shipped through SQL Server 2000 SP4.
Audience(s): Customer, Partner, Developer
X86 Package (SQLServer2005_BC.msi) - 11258 KB