Using 11.1.7IF8
I uploaded a *.xlsx file into Cognos and moved it to where I want it under Team Content. After noticing some problems, I added a column to the spreadsheet to identify the problem data, cleaned up the file, then used the "Replace file" option to upload the revised file. Realizing I had included my check column, I removed the unneeded column from the spreadsheet and tried "Replace file" again. Now it fails with...
QuoteMSR-UPL-2122 Unable to refresh file "Filename.xlsx". MSR-UPL-2119 Sheet "Sheet1" is missing column "DataCheck".
The uploaded file is used by a data module that is used by a report. This extraneous column is not used anywhere.
How can I remove a column from an uploaded *.xlsx file? Do I need to delete the file and re-upload it? Won't that give it a new storeid and break the data module?