Dear Cognos community,
I just made a clean setup of Cognos Analytics 11.2.1 on a new development server on Azure (running Win Server 2019 + SQL Server 2019. Setup runs successfully as well as configuration of content store etc. IIS was configured as described in the documentation. Entering the web adress the login page comes up showing the right athentication provider. When I enter my credentials the Cognos blue circle as waiting symbol is spinning endless and nothing happens.
I read a lot of articles which can be found via google but did not find a sufficient hint. I checked MIME types and whole IIS configuration with another existing and working installation (11.2.1 was installed over-the-top of a 11.? on AWS) but did not find any difference (only server names).
Server logs and local logs show no error.
I'm going crazy. Please help me. Even any suggestion to deep dive into the error or asking Azure admin the right questions would be really helpful.
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards
I checked everything I'm able to. The only further hint I can give comes from the browser developer tools, maybe someone can help with it:
0: {msg: 'Failed to load the module', causedBy: 'Module is not set', moduleId: undefined}
callee: ƒ ()
length: 1
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()
[[Prototype]]: Object
stack: (9) ['at e.error (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/js/glass/bundle.js?v=1493169817:1:113777)', 'at https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/js/glass/bundle.js?v=1493169817:1:210489', 'at https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:17484', 'at ee (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:18610)', 'at T (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:13115)', 'at o.t._notifyUnhandledRejection (https://cog-anal...itan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:15454)', 'at r._drainQueue (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:3040)', 'at r._drainQueues (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:3195)', 'at drainQueues (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:1239)']
[[Prototype]]: Object
constructor: ƒ Object()
hasOwnProperty: ƒ hasOwnProperty()
isPrototypeOf: ƒ isPrototypeOf()
propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ propertyIsEnumerable()
toLocaleString: ƒ toLocaleString()
toString: ƒ toString()
valueOf: ƒ valueOf()
__defineGetter__: ƒ __defineGetter__()
__defineSetter__: ƒ __defineSetter__()
__lookupGetter__: ƒ __lookupGetter__()
__lookupSetter__: ƒ __lookupSetter__()
__proto__: (...)
get __proto__: ƒ __proto__()
set __proto__: ƒ __proto__()
e.error @ bundle.js?v=1493169817:1
0: "Failure showing the content view"
1: {msg: 'Failed to load the module', causedBy: 'Module is not set', moduleId: undefined}
callee: ƒ ()
length: 2
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()
[[Prototype]]: Object
stack: Array(10)
0: "at e.error (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/js/glass/bundle.js?v=1493169817:1:113777)"
1: "at https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/js/glass/bundle.js?v=1493169817:1:243888"
2: "at r (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:126:9004)"
3: "at o._settlePromiseFromHandler (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:125:14217)"
4: "at o._settlePromise (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:125:15020)"
5: "at o._settlePromise0 (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:125:15721)"
6: "at o._settlePromises (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:125:16942)"
7: "at r._drainQueue (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:3057)"
8: "at r._drainQueues (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:3118)"
9: "at drainQueues (https://cog-analyt-test.xxxxxx/titan/bi/lib/coreBundle.js?v=1493169817:124:1239)"
length: 10
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
[[Prototype]]: Object
Many thanks in advance!
Beste regards
I'd say, clear your cache, start a new session and capture a HAR file. Then look for any files/resources which failed to load. I bet there is a bad/missing rewrite rule somewhere.
I could resolve this issue by renewing the whole IIS setup:
- uninstall IIS
- re-install IIS incl. URL rewrite and ARR extensions
- using the script included in IBM Cognos to configure IIS automatically - did not expect that's that simple... In the first step I went though the documentation for the IIS configuration and maybe there is something missing or I did something wrong...
Anyway, it's working now :-)
Have a nice weekend!