Hoping for some help/guidence on this.
Server is 11.0.13.
Current SMTP server is working. No issues. It is not SSL encrypted,
New SMTP server is the issue.
Fails as server tries to use credentials and fails. Credentials are rejected.
Odd as my credentials (User ID/PWD) are blank and when I test this from Cognos Configuration, it is successful. No issue.
Some details I get from SMTP team.
- (GREEN) Connects to the Allow List connector due to correct IP recognized
- (GREEN) Connects from your IP,
- (GREEN) Conversation starts TLS
- (GREEN) Proper exchange certificate recognized
- (GREEN) TLS negotiation successful
- (RED) Your server attempts to use credentials, which is not necessary because this is an Anonymous connection. This should actually work though, if the proper credentials are presented.
- (RED) The credentials you are presenting are rejected
- (RED) Message tarpitted due to unsuccessful authentication
- (RED) Message rejected for failed authentication
I'm stumped as to why this is getting bounced.
My DEV and TEST servers are switched over, No issue.
PROD server is the problem. Only thing different in PROD is we use SSL (HTTPS) for the site but can't imagine that has anything to do with it.
Quote from: cogfish on 01 Mar 2022 12:16:14 PM
Hoping for some help/guidence on this.
Server is 11.0.13.
Current SMTP server is working. No issues. It is not SSL encrypted,
New SMTP server is the issue.
Fails as server tries to use credentials and fails. Credentials are rejected.
Odd as my credentials (User ID/PWD) are blank and when I test this from Cognos Configuration, it is successful. No issue.
Some details I get from SMTP team.
- (GREEN) Connects to the Allow List connector due to correct IP recognized
- (GREEN) Connects from your IP,
- (GREEN) Conversation starts TLS
- (GREEN) Proper exchange certificate recognized
- (GREEN) TLS negotiation successful
- (RED) Your server attempts to use credentials, which is not necessary because this is an Anonymous connection. This should actually work though, if the proper credentials are presented.
- (RED) The credentials you are presenting are rejected
- (RED) Message tarpitted due to unsuccessful authentication
- (RED) Message rejected for failed authentication
I'm stumped as to why this is getting bounced.
My DEV and TEST servers are switched over, No issue.
PROD server is the problem. Only thing different in PROD is we use SSL (HTTPS) for the site but can't imagine that has anything to do with it.
Did you complete all the steps detailed here?
Those were the steps followed.
Only difference was to import the certificate, I didn't use a keystore password.
It still worked and imported the certificate.
I didn't used the password on the my DEV and TEST servers and imported okay there and those servers connect with no issue.
I thought the pwd might be an issue, but I can't load the certificate a 2nd time with a pwd as it is already there.
Plus in the logs from the SMTP server, it seems to except the certificate as valid.
Have you analyzed your certificate Chain of Trust? In BIG CORPs it is occasional pain the rear.