I would like to put a 'child' list within a column in a parent list, and have the ability, via a button, to 'Show/Hide' the 'child' list in each individual row.
I was able to come close...
- created a list with two columns (i.e., parent)
- in the second column of the 'parent' list, inserted an html item for a 'show/hide' button
- after the 'button' html item in the second column of the parent list, inserted an block containing the 'child' list surrounded with <span>...</span> html items, and then a final html item with the javascript function for the 'show/hide' button
The result looked good at first, but clicking the 'show/hide' button in ANY row, only affects the 'child' list in the first row? I am assuming I need some way to identify each list in each row to apply the function to, but I cannot figure it out.
Normally your script would include relative instructions to find the span.
Something like
this //The button
.parentNode //The cell
.nextElementSibling //The next cell
.firstElementChild //The first element in the next cell
.style.display='block' //Set the display
You would need to play around based on how you actually have it set up, but that should give you the basic steps.
Thank you for taking a look and replying to my question!
I do not have a lot of javascript experience, and have been trying to figure out the use of these instructions... with no luck.
Is there any chance you have a small sample snippet of code that implements these particular instructions with a button and how they are applied to the contents (the button and list in the <span>) of a cognos report list cell ?
Also, it would be a great help if you know of a way to put any kind of debug/write statements in the JavaScript code that can be interrogated as the report executes?
Are you familiar with the Chrome console? You can add a debugger; statement in the javascript and step through from there.
Take a look at the attached xml. I have a block set to display:none-inline and the button on each row will find it and toggle the display.
EDIT: I can't seem to attach the xml, so I'm putting it in a code element below.
<report xmlns="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/15.5/" expressionLocale="en-us" useStyleVersion="11.6">
<page name="Page1">
<defaultStyle refStyle="pg"/>
<defaultStyle refStyle="pb"/>
<contents><list horizontalPagination="true" name="List1" refQuery="Query3">
<CSS value="border-collapse:collapse"/>
<defaultStyle refStyle="ls"/>
<listColumns><listColumn><listColumnTitle><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="lt"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemLabel refDataItem="Data Item1"/></dataSource></textItem></contents></listColumnTitle><listColumnBody><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="lm"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemValue refDataItem="Data Item1"/></dataSource></textItem><HTMLItem>
<staticValue><input type="button" value="click me!" onclick="
var elm = this.nextElementSibling;
<style><CSS value="display:none-block"/></style></block></contents></listColumnBody></listColumn><listColumn><listColumnTitle><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="lt"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemLabel refDataItem="Data Item2"/></dataSource></textItem></contents></listColumnTitle><listColumnBody><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="lm"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemValue refDataItem="Data Item2"/></dataSource></textItem></contents></listColumnBody></listColumn></listColumns></list></contents>
<queries><query name="Query1"><source><model/></source><selection autoSummary="false"><dataItem name="Data Item1" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>'abc'</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Data Item2" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>'bcd'</expression></dataItem></selection></query><query name="Query2"><source><model/></source><selection autoSummary="false"><dataItem name="Data Item2" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>'bcd'</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Data Item1" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>'abc'</expression></dataItem></selection></query><query name="Query3">
<queryOperation name="Union1" duplicates="preserve">
<queryRefs><queryRef refQuery="Query1"/><queryRef refQuery="Query2"/></queryRefs>
<projectionList autoGenerated="true"><queryItem name="Data Item1"/><queryItem name="Data Item2"/></projectionList>
<selection><dataItem name="Data Item1"><expression>[Union1].[Data Item1]</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Data Item2"><expression>[Union1].[Data Item2]</expression></dataItem></selection>
</query></queries><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute output="no" name="RS_CreateExtendedDataItems" value="true"/><XMLAttribute output="no" name="listSeparator" value=","/><XMLAttribute output="no" name="decimalSeparator" value="."/></XMLAttributes><modelPath>/content/package[@name='Audit_Local']/model[@name='model']</modelPath></report>
Wow! Such a simple solution! That works great!
Thank you so much!!!