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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: churchy on 18 Feb 2008 12:07:15 PM

Title: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: churchy on 18 Feb 2008 12:07:15 PM
I want to move all created reports from test cognos server to production cognos server, but i cant find out how...

Any aid will be wellcome...
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: Dave the coder on 18 Feb 2008 12:24:17 PM
export your content store

Go to cognos connect :

Click Tools->content Administration

This should take you to a content page.

Click the export content store.

Use the settings you would like.

Then go to your file system C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\deployment

grab the zip file <name of content>

put it in the deployment archive of your other server

import your new content store / reports.

That's how I usually do it anyways, sorry for the poorly written answer.
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: ducthcogtechie on 18 Feb 2008 04:47:57 PM
Exporting/importing the complete content store will include quite some garbage you might want to leave behind on your testserver. Select public folders and just pick what you actually want to migrate.
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: Dave the coder on 19 Feb 2008 09:31:23 AM
quick question on that when we were importing an exporting we could select which folders we wanted; however we couldn't weed out some sub folders that'd we'd been storing old reports in.

Do you know if you can do that?
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: Feanor on 25 Feb 2008 07:25:25 AM
As far as I know you can only select a folder that is on the same level as your packages. However, I'm working with C8.1 MR2 and maybe this functionality changed in more recent versions of Cognos 8.

If you only want to transport a few reports to your production environment I recommend you to create a separate (temporary) folder on your test environment which includes your reports. With deployment you can export your reports from test and import them in a new folder in your production environment. The reports will then be imported in a folder with the same name you gave the folder on your test server.

If your test server is not exactly the same as your production server I also will not recommend you to deploy your complete content store. Also keep in mind that when you, for instance, choose to deploy the Data Sources from your test server as well, that ALL data sources in production will then be overwritten if you import your deployment. This could possibly mean that your Data Sources in production will be changed to connect to your test Data Sources. This is what I experienced anyway...

Alternatively, you can simply copy the XML of the report in test and paste it in report studio in production if you like. This is probably easier if you only have a few reports to transport to production.
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: octavianidevi on 16 Nov 2008 03:16:17 AM
Do you know where the place of xml reporting file?
Title: Re: Moving reports to other Cognos server
Post by: goose on 16 Nov 2008 12:22:55 PM
Exported packages are saved in <congos-install-dir>\deployment. You can get XML for report via report studio... copy to clipboard...