We are upgrading from C10 to C11.1.7 and we have 3 different C10 installations (let's named A, B & C) that we'd like to merge into a unique C11 environment.
We have already migrated installation A with the standard Backup&Restore of the whole Content Store.
Now we should migrate environments B & C and we are concerned about Security (Users Groups and Roles) because in all the C10 installation we have either Groups or Roles with same names.
My idea is to:
• Create under Cognos NameSpace a folder named "\A" in which I will move al the Groups & Roles created with the restore from first C10 environment.
o In this way I guess I will preserve them from being overwritten by the restore from B environment
• Backup C10 B environment data separating what are reports/paths from security info
• Restore B data in C11 existing environment
o Roles and Groups arriving from B shouldn't impact on those previously saved in \A and should flow under Cognos
• Create a \B folder moving in all the Groups and Roles from B
• Repeat the same for C environment
What do you think ?? Could it work ??
Any other idea ??
Thanks & Rgds
Hi Sans,
Your idea might be the best way to go. I did a bit of testing quick and moved a cognos role under a folder and the security references to it were automatically updated by cognos (at least on one object). You could do this manually, but if you have a large number of groups, or hope to make significant security changes/updates once you have all of your enviornmennts merged, or are looking to do some cleanup before or after your migration, BSP Software and MetaManager can help significantly reduce your workload for this update.
Check out https://www.bspsoftware.com/upgrade/MetaManager/ (https://www.bspsoftware.com/upgrade/MetaManager/)