Hey all,
Maybe I'm going about this all wrong or maybe someone has a better idea on how to do this...
I am trying to add a link to my report that has a google link to for finding the distance between two address; an example of the link is https://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=9666+Old+Katy+Rd,+Houston,+TX+77055&daddr=901+Corbindale+Rd,+Houston,+TX+77024
I have the two fields for the addresses but can't figure out how to add the "+" in the spaces. Does anyone have an idea how to get this done, or a better idea how to handle this?
Thank you!!!!
Hi - you don't say what platform you're using, but if you're using SQL Server there's a function there that sounds like it would work for you:
replace ( string_expression1 , string_expression2 , string_expression3 )
Replaces all occurrences of "string_expression2" in "string_expression1" with "string_expression3".
Sorry for the long wait on this
Not SQL Server, just using query calculations in Cognos 11
I tried replace out of curiosity replace([EE address Full],' ', '+')
but get the following error: "UDA-QOS-0006 error UDA -SQL-0219 The function "replace" is being used for local processing but is not available as a built-in function, or at least one of its parameters is not supported"
I'm digging around seeing if there is any other solution to this.
Thank you!
Got it to work!!!!!!!!
Thank you!
Would it be a violation of the Official Secrets Act to describe how you solved the problem, in case other people wish to do the same thing?
I am so sorry for the late response!!!
I didn't actually get the + to work... Google search did the work for me.
I have the following setup and working just fine:
Full Work Location Address field: [Address 1 (Location)]+' '+[Facility City, State Zip Code]
Full EE Address Field: [Address Line 1 + Address Line 2]+' '+[City, State Zip Code (Formatted)]
Google Map Link Field: 'https://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr='+[Full Work Location Address]+'&daddr='+[Full EE Address]