Hi! I've recently run into this weird problem; I have a report based on a query. There are 12 data elements in the query, but I am only selecting/dropping 10 our of those on the report page. So when I download the report, it shows all 12 data elements where it should only shows 10 data items that I selected on report page. It all started happening recently. Anyway to fix this problem? I'm using IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1 R2.
Quote from: Salman on 30 Jun 2021 02:39:16 PM
Hi! I've recently run into this weird problem; I have a report based on a query. There are 12 data elements in the query, but I am only selecting/dropping 10 our of those on the report page. So when I download the report, it shows all 12 data elements where it should only shows 10 data items that I selected on report page. It all started happening recently. Anyway to fix this problem? I'm using IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1 R2.
What exact rendering option are you using?
Sounds like you're using the CSV output format. That tends to ignore what is on the report page and outputs the results of the first query used on the page. For example, I have a report that queries for basic header information (project number and title) to put in the page header, then runs a more complex query with lots of columns, most of which are used in the list. When I run the report to CSV, I get the project number and title.
MF-- I am not using any rendering option specifically. I assume you're referring to Render Variable under Conditional? Pardon my ignorance, I'm new to Cognos.
Doug--You're partially right. However, even if I try to export the report as Excel/Excel Data, I do see those columns from the Query that I did not select on the Page.
Quote from: Salman on 02 Jul 2021 09:09:08 AM
MF-- I am not using any rendering option specifically. I assume you're referring to Render Variable under Conditional? Pardon my ignorance, I'm new to Cognos.
Sorry, no. I wasn't being clear - apologies. When you run a report, you have the option to choose different rendering or output options, eg HTML, PDF, Excel, Excel Data, CSV etc. Your original post said "...when I download the report..." but it didn't specify which of the different output formats the report was rendered as. As Doug alluded to above, some output types such as CSV and Excel Data show the contents of the first query in the report rather than the contents of the report page, whereas others such as HTML, PDF and Excel show the contents of the report page(s). I was just trying to get to the bottom of what option you chose.
Quote from: Salman on 02 Jul 2021 09:12:12 AM
Doug--You're partially right. However, even if I try to export the report as Excel/Excel Data, I do see those columns from the Query that I did not select on the Page.
I would expect this with the Excel Data option, but definitely not with Excel. Can you double-check the Excel output option?
I exported it out as Excel and that worked as intended; however, Excel out limits the total rows exported to 65,000 on page1, and then moves on to page 2 for the remaining data. That's not a deal breaker but very annoying.
Quote from: Salman on 09 Jul 2021 08:30:45 AM
I exported it out as Excel and that worked as intended; however, Excel out limits the total rows exported to 65,000 on page1, and then moves on to page 2 for the remaining data. That's not a deal breaker but very annoying.
That doesn't sound to me like a useable report - how many users are going to take the time to read through more than 65000 rows of output? What are you trying to achieve here? Are you trying to use Cognos as an ETL tool?
The report is actually a store level planning for around 1000 stores across the country so it goes well beyond 65,000 rows. We are not using Cognos as an ETL tool, but as a reporting tool for a linear report.
Quote from: Salman on 13 Jul 2021 07:54:08 AM
The report is actually a store level planning for around 1000 stores across the country so it goes well beyond 65,000 rows. We are not using Cognos as an ETL tool, but as a reporting tool for a linear report.
Understood. Did you see this tech note that details how to increase the Excel output limit in Cognos?