I have a problem creating a calculation in a cube dimension that should show how many items there are with a certain status.
I have used count( 1 within set "set") but this gives me the total number of items for every status. How could I filter the count so that it would only count the items with certain status?
Quote from: HenriP on 07 Jun 2021 03:00:42 AM
I have a problem creating a calculation in a cube dimension that should show how many items there are with a certain status.
I have used count( 1 within set "set") but this gives me the total number of items for every status. How could I filter the count so that it would only count the items with certain status?
I'm assuming Status is an attribute in the dimension?
You could try filtering the set using a filter() function before using this in your count()?
count(1 within set filter([your set of members],[Your Status attribute] = 'Whatever Status you need'))