I have a data module that contains a number of SQL tables. In the data module, i have also included a framework package. I have created a view of two sql tables in the data module so that it contains to the two key fields that i wish to join on. When I join this view to a query subject from the package, i get the following message:
XQE-PLN-0091 Cross joins (between query subjects: [Retail].[TA_PRODUCT_OFFER_PURCHASE], [i019544D6A68B47BA9F379432F4A08AA3].[dynamicSQS_ProductIDs_Join_11478]) are not permitted.
I am on 11.1.5 of Cognos.
First question, is this type of join allowed in Cognos (Data Module query subject to Framework query subject)? From what i have read, it is but i could be mistaken.
Second question, any ideas, if allowed, as to why this error is occurring?
I did change the setting on the framework package to allow cross joins, but that made no difference.
Thank you.
QuoteI have created a view of two sql tables in the data module so that it contains to the two key fields that i wish to join on.
Your description of the problem isn't quite as clear as I would like so I'm not quite sure whether I understand the problem.
You have two sql tables. You have created a view from them. What kind of view? Do you have a join between them in the module or did you create the join in the joined view? The "it" in "...it contains to the two key fields that i (sic) wish to join on" being the view? "key fields" being keys?
I created two sql tables, created a joined view and then created a relationship between the joined view and a query subject in my FM model. It worked.
There might be other variables in play.