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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: cognos05 on 02 Apr 2021 03:26:11 PM

Title: Showing a level and its children one below other in crosstab .
Post by: cognos05 on 02 Apr 2021 03:26:11 PM
I have a level called acount and a top level called territory .

In a  crosstab instead of nesting the account within territroy users are asking to show all the accounts first and then the territory  .

If i put the levels one above other , then first it shows all the acounts for all territories and then all territories.

I want to show fist list of acounts for  1 territory and then have that territory below and then list of accounts for next territory and then its territory

Is there an option for this to work .
Title: Re: Showing a level and its children one below other in crosstab .
Post by: cognos05 on 04 Apr 2021 09:31:12 PM
Hi I was able t get this working by using

A query item   

Union ( Level 1 , Level2)
Then Using Hierarchize(Union(Levle1,Level2) ..

This works fine now showing my territory below it accounts one by one .

Now the problem I have is users wanted to sort all the accounts under terrirtory based on a product team sales ,

And if i sort my level1 based on product team its not reflecting after performing hierarchize.

I did a order by on Level1 code , but its not sorting the results.

If I nest the levels then the sort works. Now I wanted to know how to get the sort working on accounts when its shown one below the territory.