We have created a custom field in Framework Manager that we have published to a package and are attempting to utilize as a value prompt field. When we use the field in the prompt, it throws the following message. What would be causing this? The expression of the custom field is correct because if we utilize it directly in the report without using the custom FM field, the value prompt will work appropriately, but this is not what we want. Thank you.
RSV-SRV-0040 The report server encountered an internal error. Check additional information associated with this error message. If cause of problem cannot be ascertained, increase the logging level in the IBM Cognos administration tool and reproduce the conditions that caused the error. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the IBM Cognos Support Portal page at http://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/Overview/Software/Information_Management/Cognos_Business_Intelligence.
CAF-WRN-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:2021-03-01-10:02:23.170-#228
Go into the logs directory and view the cognosserver.log files and the xqe log files.
Can you clarify what you mean by 'custom field' and 'value prompt field' please. They are not terms used in the UI. It is possible that what you are attempting is better done by some other method but, since what you have attempted is not clear, I can't determine what that is yet.