I'm trying to get a line chart with markers to present with an x-axis showing dimension1 (like day of the month) and lines based on dimension2 (like country). But I also want the line style (or background shading, or some other differentiator) to change based on dimension3 (like if the day is a weekday or weekend day). And I want the marker color set based on the value of dimension4 (like product type).
So basically, I need to be able to set the line colors, line styles, and marker colors independently.
It's possible to use conditional styles to do some of this, but when I do I can no longer tell differences in dimension2. Maybe I'm not doing it right.
My goal is to provide a chart that provides not only a specific visualization style, but also to allows the user to click on a data point and drill through to a different report, passing the parameters from the prompts in this report, plus one or more additional parameters based on the values associated with the point clicked. (I've done that before, so it's the viz styles that are really hanging me up.)
I have been unable to do this with Charts and Legacy Visualizations and New Visualizations are even less capable.
This could also be done in a dashboard, if that is possible.
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66037817/cognos-graph-specifying-styles-based-on-the-value-of-a-different-dimension for a slightly different description (and a graphic and sample data) of the same problem.
Ideas? Is there a standard viz for this that I just haven't downloaded?
Do I need to create a custom Rave viz? ...a custom viz using a Custom Control and d3 (or equivalent)? ...the Dashboard API in Cognos 11.1.7?
BTW: This requirement makes perfect sense to me from a visualization standpoint. My user explained the efficiencies this would provide his staff and I agree. And besides, Tableau does this natively -- just drag and drop.