Hi All,
I am trying to generate categories for 8 level hierarchy and I am getting below error.
[Error Message -] Transformer fatal error: category generation has quit in row ... of datasource. Errornumber TR0516 Transformer coudn't create a category with the value ... in the dimension. Invalid data, low memory, or low disk space.
I have marked the lowest level as unique and checked "Move" option.
There is around 50GB of free space available in the Disk.
Can anyone help me on this?
Quote from: White light on 03 Feb 2021 08:56:54 AM
Hi All,
I am trying to generate categories for 8 level hierarchy and I am getting below error.
[Error Message -] Transformer fatal error: category generation has quit in row ... of datasource. Errornumber TR0516 Transformer coudn't create a category with the value ... in the dimension. Invalid data, low memory, or low disk space.
I have marked the lowest level as unique and checked "Move" option.
There is around 50GB of free space available in the Disk.
Can anyone help me on this?
Are the levels being generated from a single data source or multiple data sources?
Here are some resources I found that may spur some ideas. You haven't told us enough about what you are doing to know what to suggest, though.
As this is Transformer-related I'm moving the post to the Transformer board.
Hi All/MF,
The issue was with the scope of the dimensions for data sources. It was showing red for a column.
I am using reports as the data sources.
The level/column that is in both dimensional source and transactional source had to be set to unique else it shows red in scope.
In my requirement, i simply removed the level/column from transactional source as it wasn't required there.
So now the 7 levels/columns are coming from product table and 1 is common column(product id) which is marked as unique.
I am now able to build hierarchy successfully.
these two articles helped me.
Thanks a lot for the response MF.