Does anyone know where I can get a comparison matrix of query studio vs workspace advanced vs cognos 11 report authoring capabilities ?
For example a check list that shows "mixed grain reporting", : query studio no, workspace advanced yes, cognos 11 yes; etc.
Hi David,
Are you looking for a report that lists your cognos users, and then indicates their capabilities?
MetaManager's Content Documenter would allow you to create a customer report for users, or by group/role membership, to indicate which capabilities they have access to, including Analysis Studio, Query Studio, Controller Studio, Event Studio, etc.
There is also a free tool in MetaManager to do a full license audit, which will give you all of this same information in a single location. There is a brand new updated version of the License Auditor planned for release in the next couple of days which takes this functionality a bit farther, but the current release will still help you get exactly what you want with just a few clicks. (
Thanks Eric,
No, something like this: but for Query Studio, Workspace Advanced and Cognos Analytics.