I'm not ready for Cognos in the IBM Cloud (CQM, JavaScript, customizations, report outputs to file system, etc.), but considering moving Cognos from on-prem hardware to an Azure VM when it's time to retire the hardware or the hardware fails. Microsoft has per-GB charges for data egress.
Is there a way to identify not only who ran which report when, but also how may bytes the Cognos server sent to the client for each request?
And, yes, I realize that report content is only part of the egress. IT can cover web page views (portal navigation, report authoring, etc.), but I want to see if there is a way to determine how much it costs for each user to use a report or dashboard. This is primarily because we have users using Cognos as an ETL tool -- unnecessarily dumping large volumes of data from our data warehouse into Excel. Maybe they'll finally change their behavior if there is a cost to their business.