In the download for the install of CA 11.1.7. I appear to have two server zip files which one should I use (I am upgrading from CA 11.0.13)?
I am hopeful that one of them is a later fix pack.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for not providing enough details. I needed to reacquaint myself with the Fix Central site. :P
Those files came from different sites: is the content for installing CA 11.1.7. This came from Passport Advantage Online. is the content for installing CA 11.1.7 Fix Pack 1. This came from Fix Central.
You don't want the original 11.1.7.,36855.msg121299.html#msg121299
If you're using CMS, you may not want Fix Pack 1. You need to authenticate to get the WSDL (which tells you how to authenticate). Other than that, I found this to be a good product.
You may want Fix Pack 2. ( I haven't tried this one yet.
My bad... is what I used. It's Interim Fix 2. It's the one with CMS problems. I didn't try FP1.