We have the CAC set up and pointing to the app server correctly, but are getting an annoying error when trying to run from one user's desktop.
Every time we click on the cluster (or any of the subcategories) we get the following message: Unable to create 'EAdminDB_73.JobServer' using connection 'servername'.~~~~Automation error~A security package specific error occurred.
This happens the first time we click through, but does not happen after that. Additionally, this user can execute all jobs in the CAC from his desktop without issue.
This user can connect via RDP without a problem.
How is the job server connected, COM or http?
You didn't mention which version you are running.
May want to check that your services are running under service accounts:
7.3/8.1 - COM+ package and Cognos Planning service run under same account
8.2/8.3 - Cognos 8 and Cognos 8 Planning (on planning servers) are running under a service account.
Service account needs local admin rights to the server.