Cognos version 11
I am creating a report where I have added 2 separate Value Prompts in the same page - one for selecting 'Customer Number' and the other for selecting 'Customer Name'.
The user of this report wouldn't necessarily know the customer by their number but instead by their name, hence why I have included this option.
But as soon as they select a value from either one of the prompts, then the other value prompt should be auto-populated.
So for example, if user knows a customer by their number and not their name, they will select a value from the ' Customer Number' prompt and as soon as they select it, the value prompt for 'Customer Name' should automatically default to the corresponding customer name for that customer number and vice versa.
Then I need to have a button for them to press after they have selected a value from the prompt which will load up the results.
Can someone please explain how I go about achieving this?
Thank You
Is there a reason you posted this in the Dashboards board instead of the Reporting board? I have moved the post for you.
Sorry, I thought I had selected 'Reporting'.
Genuine mistake, apologies.
Thank You
Not a direct solution to what you've described, but this is probably the way I'd go. I'd create a field with the customer number and the customer name concatenated together. I'd create a text box prompt, for prmString, where the user could enter any part of that string. Then I'd create a value prompt based on the concatenated field. Finally, I'd have the filter for the second prompt something like
[Customer Number] || ' - ' || [Customer Name] contains ?prmString?
Have the second prompt have the first as a cascading source, and add a reprompt button. Put some text on the page to let the user know that they can enter the number, name or part of either, and the second prompt will display their options.