Hello folks,
I am trying to expand and collapse levels in a crosstab over a TM1 cube in a CA report. I have seen bunch of things saying that it is not possible unless I use a javascript file.
I have a couple of questions regarding expand/collapse over a crosstab:
1. Does anyone know if it is it still true (as at CA 11.1.7) that we cannot expand and contract levels in a crosstab in CA?
2. Does anyone have a javascript that can be used to achieve this?[/li][/list]
If you are looking for a built in function similar to the expand/collapse feature in Excel then the answer is no but you can use the Data Table object to achieve something similar to it :https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.1.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cr_rptstd.doc/c_rptstd_data_table.html
Otherwise you can use this javascript, I believe that is is CognosPaul that has created it:https://medium.com/@PMsquare/custom-javascript-in-cognos-expand-and-collapse-6c4d09799851