I am troubled with a report that I am trying to make.
I would be very gratefull if somebody could give me a hint.
I do not consider myself an expert in Cognos analytics.
We use version 11.1
I have a list of dossiers which hold products:
Dossierid Productdescription
Dossier1 desc1
Dossier1 desc2
Dossier2 desc3
In our datawarehouse there is a mesurement field called nr_of_products available
My question is actually very simpel:
I want to create a list of all dossiers that have zero products of a specific type.
The only way I can see is to query the list of all dossiers and combine these with a list of dossiers that do have the specific product in an "Except" function
(see attach)
I was wondering if ther is an easier way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Have you tried to just filter the Query with nbr_of_products=0?
Tried that but it does'nt help.
I think it has something to do with the way the relations are set up in the DWH
Thanks for the suggestion!
Difficult to answer your question without knowing the structure of your data and the joins used. Essentially you'd need a left outer join between the table with the dossiers and the table with the number of products (or the products table, again it depends on your data).