Hi gurus,
Our Audit store have been growing tremendously and we were thinking of cleaning the db to save memory on db server.
We have set the logging level to basic for all services ever since the installation. it has been two years now and wanted to clear old data to shrink the database.
We tested using the auditBDcleanup tool provided by IBM for cognos 11 but after trying to cleanup previous year data the size of our audit store have not change that much.
Considering our system is two years old and we cleaned a year worth of data, so we are expecting a little close to half the original size should be freed. But unfortunately after cleaning 1 year of data our db size just went from like 70GB to 65GB.
We are now trying to see if we can directly clean the audit store by dropping data from the tables with X timestamp.
has any tried this before? I cannot seem to find any documentation about audit store structure or any procedures to do cleanup. There's just isn't that much documentation for audit store. :(
Hi sdf,
What database is your audit db in? If you use Oracle, I have a script our DBAs run that deletes all content based on audit_id. lmk if you'd like it.
Thanks but we are running in SQL server. Anyway, i ended up using the auditDBcleanup tool from IBM. We then just shrink the DB after to reflect the correct available space.