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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: STLAURENT on 06 Feb 2008 03:09:28 PM

Title: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: STLAURENT on 06 Feb 2008 03:09:28 PM
Hi !

I would like write all prompt value selected by my user in my report header. I would like a dynamic solution.

Example : First Prompt = 2008-02-01 , Second Prompt = 12345 etc...

If it possible, i write this paramdisplayvalue in table (3 columns, 5 lines) in my report header automaticaly.

1 - 6 - 11
2 - 7 - 12
3 - 8 - 13
4 - 9 - 14
5 - 10 - 15

See Example :
Date : 2008-02-01                Employee Number : 112233
Machine Number : 12345

I would like use this function ParamdisplayValue(ParamNames()) paramnames function but

Thanks a lot for your help. Sorry, I am a beginner in Cognos 8.
Title: Re: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: Suraj on 06 Feb 2008 04:24:04 PM
Drag a text where you want to display parameter values.
Then under properties for text, change source to expression.
Double click on this and click on functions tab (fx) and select ParamDisplayValue( then select on prompt tab and select the parameter you want.
Similarly, create another text item and follow the steps for another parameter...
Title: Re: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: STLAURENT on 07 Feb 2008 03:31:37 PM
First, thanks for the information but that was not my question. It's much more complicated than that. The heading of my report is a templace (link to another presentation). I do not want to repeat the work for each report. I would like a generic manner so that my table or my text field can fill automatically.

Sample function:
While variableA <= paramcount then
  ChampTxt = ChampTxt & & paramname "=" & & paramvalue ";"
  VariableA = variableA + 1

Result :

No Machine=12345;Employee Name=112233;....
Title: Re: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: atnaatna on 16 Feb 2009 07:39:22 AM

I was wondering if you ever got the solution developed?  I am in need of this function as well and the best I can do is perform some really hard string manipulations using combinations of substring and position.

Title: Re: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: dougp on 07 Aug 2014 06:32:09 PM
I know:  Way to open an old post...

I have this need as well and I don't see a solution here.  Does anyone here know of a solution for this?
Title: Re: Display all prompt value in my report header
Post by: MFGF on 08 Aug 2014 05:39:40 AM
Quote from: dougp on 07 Aug 2014 06:32:09 PM
I know:  Way to open an old post...

I have this need as well and I don't see a solution here.  Does anyone here know of a solution for this?

I'm linking back to your original thread for this question:,25584.0.html