The model of my cube is a Star schema and have a central KPI_FACT table , DIM_Time and DIM_Clients table.
In the Open Editor of the KPI_Fact table I have established one to many relatioship between the fact and Domension tables.
KPI_FACT.ClientId = Dim_Clients.ClientId
KPI_FACT.DayId = Dim_Time.DayId
When I right click on the model click the validate option (0 issues found). No issues over here.
However when I create the package and of to publish it. I am prompted with 2 issues.
The Dimension Dim_Time" under the KPI must be joined to at least one measure. Same erroe message for Dim_Clients table.
See attached error message.
What could be the issue? Why I am getting these error messages when I try to publish the package.
Please advise.
1. Double click on the cube
It should show you a list of the dimensions in the cube.
For each there is a column for the relationship.
2. Click on it for each of the dimensions.
It should show you the relationship. If it doesn't, set it.
Thanks for the sugession. The relationship was established between fact and dimension tables. To resolve this issue I had to right click on the fact table(cube) and select publish to publish the cube.
I'm happy to learn that you were able to progress further with my assistance.
Just out of curiosity, could clarify what you mean by "In the Open Editor of the KPI_Fact table I have established one to many relatioship between the fact and Domension tables." It sounds like you were not doing the editing in the cube. Is that a correct understanding?
see attahced file on how I publish the cube in Cube designer.
Thanks again for your advise.