I am bursting a report using a burst table that has Region, Email, TeamLeaderId and TeamLeaderDesc. The link to the main table is Region, TeamLeaderId and TeamLeaderDesc, so if there multiple instances of a TeamLeader etc then it avoids duplicates.
However, we have just come across a problem where the reports are bursting correctly but are being sent to too many recipients i.e.
Report for Region AA should be emailed to AA@emailaddress.co.uk
Report for Region BB should be emailed to BB@emailaddress.co.uk
but it is doing
Report for Region AA is being emailed to AA@emailaddress.co.uk and BB@emailaddress.co.uk
It is doing this for quite a lot of the reports and there is no pattern i.e. it doesn't just e-mail to the next Region in the table.
I have run the report in Report Studio showing the e-mail address but this is correct, showing the correct e-mail address for the correct Region.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
The original post was made a few months ago, but no one replied and we have the same problem. Confidential data ended up going to the wrong recipients, so this is a HUGE problem.
Has anyone else seen this? What did you do to fix it? We're on version 8.3.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
This happened to us on 8.2 and it was because we had a two page report with the second page containing the data grouped in a different way. Once I reduced it to a single page it worked fine. They said it was working as intended and created an enhancement request: 596769 - ENH: Documentation on bursting reports that contain multiple objects, such as lists.