We are facing an issue whenever we launch New Report in Cognos ANalytics. It gives a weird Web Request Failed Error...URL../v1/disp error".
Each time a new report is launched, users get this error. WHen the package is selected under the Sources, it gives the "Loading package information" for a cool 2-3 minutes and then the Web request failed error. We dont see this error while launching dashboards.
Anything that I should be looking into? The cognosserver.log file does not give much.
I looked into the Application pool advanced settings to check for "Enable 32 bit application" It was set to False as desired.
Next the Feature permissions for Handler mappings was checked to include Execute. IIS services were restarted. The same issue occurs.
We found out that by disabling the proxy settings on the IE explorer browser and by adding the Cognos URL to the trusted sites list, allowed users to use the report tool without any issues. This was tried and retried multiple times , adn each time the user account was able to create a new report using existing packages.
I checked with IBM support on the same, but did not get any definitive answer as to why disabling the proxy settings on the browser would allow the report tool to work. We did not see this issue with the dashboards at all.
Has anyone ever had to disable proxy settings on a browser window to enable Cognos to work? What does the proxy setting do? Any information on this might be helpful.