Hi ,
I need to show a pie chart with four segments , each four being its one calculation measure .
I am using fm model as source and these are my 4 data items .
total(case when ([AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] = '' OR [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = 'X')
and [AME Billings].[Billings].[Sales Type Category] = 'Direct Sales'
then [AME Billings].[Billings].[Revenue At List Doc Currency] - [AME Billings].[Billings].[H1 Full Revenue Doc Currency] else 0 end for [Bill-to Customer Number])
total(case when ([AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] = '' OR [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = 'X')
and [AME Billings].[Billings].[Sales Type Category] = 'Consignment Sales'
then [AME Billings].[Billings].[Revenue At List Doc Currency] - [AME Billings].[Billings].[H1 Full Revenue Doc Currency] else 0 end for [Bill-to Customer Number])
total(case when [AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] <> '' AND [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = '' then [AME Billings].[Billings].[Revenue At List Doc Currency] - [AME Billings].[Billings].[H1 Full Revenue Doc Currency] else 0 end for [Bill-to Customer Number])
coalesce([AME Billings].[Bill-to Customer].[R12 Rebate Amount],0)
Each measures are already embedded int he data items .
How can i show this 4 data items in 1 pie chart .
Any suggestions is appreciated.