Hi, im having a weir issue with Cognos 10.0.13.
I create a report, i go to queries/toolbox, and i have the option to add SQL and MDX along with the queries, join and union. But after i select a Source and go back to it, those options dissapear.
This is a fresh install and im using the admin account.
When i did this with cognos 11.1.4 i didnt have this problem.
I double chacked, and i do have this capabilities:
Report Studio
Allow External Data
HTML Items in Report
User Defined SQL
What type of datasource are you using, package? data module?
I had the same thing come up, and it ended up that I wasn't pointing directly to a data source that hit a database, so writing direct SQL wasn't available as an option.
Hi, im using a data module.
What do you mean with you werent pointing directly to a data source that hit a database?
Just that if your module is pointing to an excel file or a dataset or something similar, those don't support SQL. I haven't tried writing SQL against a module pointing at a data server connection, but I'd like to assume that would work fine.
It works fine in the 11.1 version, but in 11.0 apparently not. My module is pointing to a data server connection, and i know that the module was working fine, because a report that doesnt use native SQL works fine.