I'm building a report that shows disease % per department.
in one Query I have the persons ID en Carreer ID with a begin and a possible end date. It's possible an employee switches to another department. in that case a new Carreer ID is created in the table.
Another Query shows the employee's history of which have been ill with the starting date and end date of the period they where ill. It's possible that employee's have been multiple times ill.
Now I want to create a link between the two queries:
Carreer ID with the total days in range being ill.
Can somebody help me please? I'm stuck at this time.....
Quote from: PeterDD on 29 Jun 2020 08:43:43 AM
I'm building a report that shows disease % per department.
in one Query I have the persons ID en Carreer ID with a begin and a possible end date. It's possible an employee switches to another department. in that case a new Carreer ID is created in the table.
Another Query shows the employee's history of which have been ill with the starting date and end date of the period they where ill. It's possible that employee's have been multiple times ill.
Now I want to create a link between the two queries:
Carreer ID with the total days in range being ill.
Can somebody help me please? I'm stuck at this time.....
What is your requirement in the situation where an employee switches departments and has multiple Career IDs? Do you want to see the totals for the employee overall, or for each Career ID?
What about where an employee has never been ill? Do you want to see these with a count of 0, or not see them in the report?