Hi Everyone, I'm new to Cognos and I've searched this topic quite a bit and followed different directions, but still can't seem to get the results I'm looking for.
I have two boolean variables Department_b = "ParamDisplayValue('Department_p') is null" and FinUnit_b = "ParamDisplayValue('FinUnit_p') is null".
On the report page, I have six columns: A, B, C, D, E, F --> I want A, B, and C columns to be hidden if a user fills out the Department prompt and I want D, E, and F to be hidden if a user fills out the Fin Unit prompt.
For A, B, and C I select the entire column and change style variable to Department_b, but the Yes and No values are grey'd out so that I can't select one. Is there something wrong with my expressions that would cause the values to grey out?
Thank you in advance to anyone that can help!
Hi - I don't know if it makes any difference, but the first thing I'd do is change it to
ParamDisplayValue('Department_p') is missing
Secondly, I'd use render variables to change which columns can be seen...I've never used the style variable before.
Lastly, what do you want to happen if the user puts something in both prompts?