I have a Report "A" with three report pages, Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3. All Pages shows same data in a different sorting. I've build a drillthrough from Report "A" to Report "B" - everything works fine, but Cognos jumps always to Page 1 in Report B. Is there a way to set the defintion that Page 1 jumps to Page 1 in Report "B" and Page 2 jumps to Page 2?
I am not currently authoring Cognos Reports, and the last Drill Thru Definitions I wrote were about 2 years ago.
What if you have two Drill Thru Definitions (one from Report A Page 1 to Report B Page 1, and another from Report A Page 2 to Report B Page 2)?
Hi Cognos_Jan2017,
thanks for your fast reply. There's no possibility to choose a page in drillthrough settings. I'm only able to set the report and parameters, but not the page -> there is no box or field in which I could make a setting. So I hopped there is a chance to do this with Java or HTML.
Rather than having multiple pages in the target report, you might want to investigate using conditional blocks on a single page, and passing a value from the source report that drives the condition to allow each block to render?
Just a thought...