in cognos 10 when you created a chart in a report you could add a chart Title, and also a chart sub title, and a chart footer note.
im now using cognos 11 and ive added a chart/visualisation but for the life of me I cant find out how to add a chart title?
I can see x axis, y axis, legend titles etc, but not a chart title ?
where can this be done?
please help
Are you working in a report, or in a dashboard?
In a Report
Quote from: keating101 on 08 Jun 2020 11:35:32 PM
In a Report
There are now four different visualization/charting engines you can choose when authoring a report. Each has different properties and capabilities. The properties you are looking for (title, subtitle, footnote etc) are still there in the AVS charting engine (from Cognos 10) so you can still create reports like this if you need to. When adding a chart/visualization, look in the top right corner of the visualization selection pane and you'll see a dropdown allowing you to choose which charting engine to select from.
Thanks MFGF - spot on. :)