I have a cross tab where I'm trying to apply a conditional style to a set of rows where the row data item 'Measure' starts with the word 'Channel'. I have a rank formula to get the values ordered so I can get the top three. I want to change the background for those top three values.
I have the following data item 'Percentage Style' from a data set:
case when
[C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Percentage_] is not null and [C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Measure_Name] starts with 'Channel'
then rank(case when [C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Measure_Name] starts with 'Channel'
then [C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Percentage_]
else null
end desc
for case when [C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Measure_Name] starts with 'Channel'
then [C].[C_Segment_Journey_Metrics_Data_Set_Data_Module].[Query1_0].[Segment_Desc]
else null
else null
and the conditional style applied to the percentage field from the same data set:
[Query1].[Percentage Style] between 1 and 3
and [Query1].[Measure_Name] starts with 'Channel'
This works if I have the 'Percentage Style' data item on the report as a column beside 'Percentage'. Both are under the 'Segment Desc' data item as columns.
I've tried adding 'Percentage Style' as an item in the property list of 'Segment Desc' but that gives very different results. The 'Percentage Style' doesn't seem to calculate in the same way. I'm not sure what else to try at this point. I'm open to any suggestions.