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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: azamamin on 19 May 2020 09:38:04 PM

Title: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: azamamin on 19 May 2020 09:38:04 PM
I've successfully loaded the mapbox using custom control and put the data from the database onto the mapbox. I tried the same thing using google map but it didn't work. Your views and opinions are greatly appreciated.
Congos Analytics version: 11.0.11

Error message when i load google map using custom control:
Uncaught (in promise) idmessage: "initMap is not a function"name: "InvalidValueError"stack: "Error↵    at new id (↵    at Object._.jd (↵    at sj (↵    at"__proto__: Error
:9300/bi/js/test.js:17 1. init ******************
:9300/bi/js/test.js:41 3. Draw ****************** Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaultView' of undefined
    at new _.Rt (
    at Object.Zw.j (

my js code:
define(["", "jquery"], function(mapboxgl, jQuery) {

    //Add Variables
    "use strict";
    var map = '',
    bounds = '',
    geojsonFeature = {};

    function BasicControl() {};

    BasicControl.prototype.initialize = function(oControlHost, fnDoneInitializing, oDataStore) {
        console.log('1. init ******************')
      // jQuery("head link[rel='stylesheet']").last().after("<link href='' rel='stylesheet' />");
       var mapContainer =;
    //var initMap = function() {
          map = new google.maps.Map({
          container: mapContainer, // container id
          //center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},
          center: new google.maps.LatLng( -34.397, 150.644 ),
          //center: [-96, 37.8],
          mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
          zoom: 8
      //    }
        bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();             


    BasicControl.prototype.draw = function(oControlHost) {
        oControlHost.container.innerHTML = "Hello World!!  Map PlaceHolder";
        console.log('3. Draw ******************')


    BasicControl.prototype.setData = function(oControlHost, oDataStore) {

        console.log('2. SetData *****************')


    return BasicControl;
Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: Sunchaser on 20 May 2020 02:57:17 AM
Whatever you are doing with it, is it normal that the declaration of the "initMap" function is commented out?
From your code example, see:

//var initMap = function() {

Is it a typo when you posted your message?

Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: azamamin on 20 May 2020 12:11:22 PM
Hi Sunchaser,

It's not a typo.

This error appear when i enable initMap() function .

test.js:14 1. init ******************
test.js:38 3. Draw ******************
rsapp.htm:1 Uncaught (in promise) idmessage: "initMap is not a function"name: "InvalidValueError"stack: "Error↵    at new id (↵    at Object._.jd (↵    at sj (↵    at"__proto__: Errorconstructor: ƒ (a)__proto__: Object
rsstartupblock_1.js:11 rsperf: ReportSpec_OnLoad->View_OnAfterDraw: 9740.329833984375ms
rsstartupblock_11.js:65 querying for module store id, path=/content/folder[@name='WWWW']/module[@name='WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW']
rsContentView.js?v=11.0.11:611 rsperf: ViewBeforeDraw->ViewAfterDraw: 9596.592041015625ms
rsContentView.js?v=11.0.11:612 Timer 'rsperf: total_RunReport' does not exist

[END] ###############################################################################

Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: Sunchaser on 20 May 2020 01:35:44 PM
Hi azamamin,

Not speaking about the error, but about your JS code.
Please post your JS code by using the appropriate button "Insert Code" - and please ensure that it is correctly formatted.
So that, me or somebody else could check more easily the problem.
For the moment, I have the feeling that the JS code has a problem, but it is not easy to determine exactly.

Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: azamamin on 20 May 2020 01:47:16 PM
Hi Sunchaser, hope this can help u.

define(["", "jquery"], function (mapboxgl, jQuery) {

   //Add Variables
   "use strict";
   var map = '',
   bounds = '',
   geojsonFeature = {};

   function BasicControl() {};

   BasicControl.prototype.initialize = function (oControlHost, fnDoneInitializing, oDataStore) {
      console.log('1. init ******************')

      var mapContainer =;

      map = new google.maps.Map({
         container: mapContainer, // container id
         center: new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644),
         mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
         zoom: 8


      bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();


   BasicControl.prototype.draw = function (oControlHost) {
      oControlHost.container.innerHTML = "Hello World!!  Map PlaceHolder";
      console.log('3. Draw ******************')


   BasicControl.prototype.setData = function (oControlHost, oDataStore) {

      console.log('2. SetData *****************')


   return BasicControl;
Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: ashley on 21 May 2020 03:08:53 AM
Not having looked at the JS itself, shouldn't API_KEY in the define URL be the actual API Key that google has provided you? (
Title: Re: how to load google map using custom control
Post by: azamamin on 21 May 2020 03:54:12 AM
This is just an example, the actual code is included with the actual API key value