Any other suggestions on how to completely eliminate the "page down" options and simply scroll down indefinitely for all report development and viewing? I have already googled this and tested numerous suggestions, including throwing all data elements inside a block, unchecking ALL pagination checkboxes involving spanning anything across pages, and set max rows for every cross tab or list to 5000+ Nothing works. And it makes development extremely tedious when every single time i make a minor change, my report automatically reverts back to the top of the page and i have to click PAGE DOWN 100 times an hour.
Open to any alternate suggestions on how to fix this aside from what ive already tested above.
I set the property of the 'list' to have Rows Per Page to a very large number to do this. Hope this helps you.
What do you mean by the "list" in quotes?
my page has a bunch of cross tabs and visualizations... lets just say crosstabs for sake of argument... 10 cross tabs each with no more than 20 rows... how can i get it so all 10 of them stay on page 1 with a scroll down option and NO "Page Down" button that automatically cuts things off and makes development tedious
Change every crosstab in your report to have the pagination as the following attached image.